Uncle Rob
Uncle Rob Around 1911, a Columbia University student was riding on the subway and trying to catch up on his Livy assignment. A subway guard saw the student struggling with…
Uncle Rob Around 1911, a Columbia University student was riding on the subway and trying to catch up on his Livy assignment. A subway guard saw the student struggling with…
My father loved to tell everyone he was a very lucky man and he really was. He considered himself the luckiest man in the world to have been married to my mother. But his “lucky list” was long and included much more than my mother, though she was the…
My mother, Evelyn Campbell Ullrich (AKA Mama), was a “city girl” and there was only one city, New York. She was the third generation in her family born in New York; and…
John P. Brennan was my second great grandfather. In 1879, he sailed from New York City to Newfoundland and visited with his mother. He boarded a ship to return to New…